Continuing my exposition on table procedures for common exploration feats & rules, which began here with part one.
To finally shake off the holiday hibernation
sickness, here’s the refinement of a process, proving yet again that the only
constant in rule design is how inconstant things turn out to be. Just two posts
ago I was proclaiming Dismemberment tables to be for the sole benefit of player-characters.
After that, spitballed on battling giant-like creatures and how such combats
lack a properly distinct character and don’t feel different enough. Sometime previously,
it had been the notion of revising critical hits and the abstractions inherent
to hunting what kept the mental gears grinding away.
So one’s left with this smattering of cold-meal topics: Hunting, Critical Hits, Dismemberment Tables, Large-sized
Keep calm and operate synthesis.
Todestoss, or the art of the one-hit wonder: Hunting, Ambushes, Assassination
While mentally playing with how
to pan out the scenario of the patient hunter that tenses and levels his
longbow at the placcid elk or the dagger poised to slip amid the oblivious camp
sentry’s shoulderblades, a referee is presented with something not covered by the
book’s rules: the need for the mechanical possibility of inflicting a deathblow
that bypasses the gradating combat abstraction that are Hit Points.
As can be expected, mechanics for
“assassination” and related rules genera may as well be seen as exclusively
player-facing, despite their pretenses of all-inclusiveness. I’ve no desire to
fight this particular fight and I’ve yet to witness a referee engage in
one-sided player character slaying – no matter how even-handedly supported by
rules – whose game did not directly careen into a ditch. I can count myself
among the examples, thank you very much for asking.
But let us return to the initial
huntsman scenario: assuming an elk or whichever creature endowed with a
significant hit-point pool and generally treated, barring exceptional circumstances,
as a shy and non-agressive beast, hunting one shouldn't really be a matter of
rolling for initiative and needing a barrage of missiles or magical artillery
simply to secure an evening’s meal. What is more, if the party were to wound the animal, even with multiple attacks, it could then bound away, never to be caught
again, as its status of health depletion would have quite no effect on its
ability to hoof along past the horizon.
No, the scenario as it should
play out is that our hunter will carefully line up his shot, he’ll knock,
inhale, draw, aim, loose, exhale and, should he miss, never get a second chance
at that particular elk for the rest of the day, maybe the week, perhaps never.
Conversely, a good hit ought to inflict a wound deep enough to momentarily stun the animal, make it leave a trail of blood or slow down as he drags along a game leg,
that some further tracking effort may result in further encounters that will
probably lead to its becoming a hard-won trophy.

Critical Hits – (un)called shots
Called shots are generally
regarded as a bad idea, a taut stretching of the granularity inherent to DnD’s
combat that the system is not ready to support.
With this I stand in agreement, though I find room for exception in the
shape of the critical hit. I previously proponed that critical hits might empower the player to either translate a character’s good fortune with the
traditional increase in damage output or as a successful free-form maneuver, up
to and including wounding an opponent in crippling fashion. As I’ve since come
to rework the dismemberment table, it seems fitting that I should contrive to
double dip on my own design efforts and unravel these options apart so as to
get some more mileage out of the table while at the same time more strictly
systemizing the rule.
Overheadwise, it’s easy to
hear the clamouring hue: whoever could care about spending table time
inflicting a belabored limp on the second orc from the left, knowing all too
well it is two rounds away from being dead anyway!? Agreement comes easy that
here the effort is probably wasted.
But let us contrast this to the
elation of hamstringing a rampaging cyclops, just at the point where it is
about to brutally prevail in combat over the party, the act itself
insufficient to carry the day as it turns out, but enough to prevent the
hulking brute from pursuing the fleeing group due to its mangled leg tendons,
would this be worth the time taken randomizing a dismemberment result? You’re
reading a blog post about it, so the odds are conspicuous.
Dismemberment rolls on large creatures
with a corresponding reserve of hit points seem inherently interesting as they can dramatically swing a
fight and provide some granularity that is worth tracking. Hope is that, by
enabling this option, this furthers the rule-agenda of differentiating large
creature combats, a current windmill of choice.
This is not intended to provide a
fast-track to victory or a means to bypass a monster’s Hp total, but as an
accretional method of winning otherwise difficult fights by whittling down a
large foe through infliction of wounds, hence contributing to the goal of
making it feel like a different type of fight than the “fighting at full
potential/dead” binary display that is endemic to normal DnD combat (and
perfectly adequate to larger numbers of smaller foes).
Much like the above entry for
killing blows, in spite of my wish for general mechanical coherence across the
character spectrum – PC to NPC – what follows is also a forceful departure
since, as I’ve conservatively established, it is the player character's privilege to roll for losing fingers only at the dry bottom of the
hit-point well. Dipping into the murk of
dismemberment before that point can well be faced as a punishment for the
non-player character, though one can dub it a redress of the assymetry already
inherent to employing critical hits in the first place (since NPCs get to roll
plenty more dice and thus to inflict many more critical hits upon player
characters, in the long run).
The Crunchy Bits
In order for a character to
attempt to inflict a deathblow, a number of preconditions must be met:
- The target cannot have more than twice the
attacker’s Level in number of Hit Dice;
- The attack must benefit from Advantage
and both attack rolls must hit the target;
- The target’s guard must be completely down (i.e. unaware of the
attempt, not engaged in combat);
A hit under the above conditions
being sufficient to inflict a critical hit, then comes the deathblow attempt
- The target must pass a Constitution saving throw, DC equal to the
unmodified number rolled for the attack. Melee attempts will count the highest d20 result for this while ranged attempts count the lowest; Failure results in immediate
death, success downgrades the hit back to a critical.
Note that even a critical hit
may still - on much reduced odds - leave a victim wounded onto
helplessness or even death.
Revised Critical Hits (w/Dismemberment)
Upon scoring a Critical Hit, the attacker
1) Roll double the number of damage dice, explodable;
2) Roll damage as normal and automatically succeed in a combat maneuver
or stunt;
3) (Player-characters only; attack must be made with a weapon whose damage die is no more than two sizes below the target's HD size) Declare an attempt to inflict a wound: roll
damage as normal and apply a roll on the Dismemberment Table to the target.
As before, unintelligent creatures
will always opt for 1) whereas intelligent foes will go for whichever of 1) or 2) is worse
for the target.
Dismemberment rolls on monsters can
require some considerable interpretative flexibility on the part of the referee, as enemies
of great size or unliving nature may flat out ignore the wounded condition and
many of the table’s entries, whereas dealing with creatures with a non-humanoid body
structure can make for some head-scratching randomization efforts.
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